Sunday, June 5, 2011

Spackman Heirlooms

We recently visited Grandma Spackman and asked to take some pictures of family heirlooms.  Here are a few treasures to look for next time you visit.

This glass chicken belonged to Elva Morgan Rindlisbacher (Grandma’s mother).  She had picked it out for the children and placed some Easter eggs in it to give to them on Easter.  The children found it and decided that it would be a perfect gift for their mother, and so it was hers instead.

This was Elva Rindlisbacher’s butter churner.

This is Grandmother Morgan’s (Elizabeth Bawden Morgan’s) bread mixing bowl, with an enamel bowl that Grandma Spackman put inside.

This is the sewing machine that Grandma Spackman learned to sew on.  It does a straight stitch, not a back stitch or anything like that.  It belonged to Elva Rindlisbacher.

The high chair that the Spackman children ate on, including the metal tray that Grandma recently found.

...and a silver spoon she used to feed them.  She recently found this spoon in the dirt behind the old farm, evidence left behind by would-be archeologists. 

Here is Grandma's glass case, full of little treasures picked up during the years, especially showcasing Grandma's bell collection.

Bell detail...

Little humorous play-on-words objects like this can be found throughout the house.

Here are a couple of items to remember Grandpa by.

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